Merikan Blog

My personal braindump

Unable to build my project with Intellij

Update 2021-05-12 - Updated Intellij to latest version 2021.1.1 and it looks like this problem is solved. I also had problems using log in static block and it’s also fixed. Today I had some serious problems with my Intellij installation. It all started after updating to the current latest patch 2020.3.2 and I could no longer build my project inside Intellij. I had no problem building it from the command line with maven but in the ide, it refused to build.

Speed up your Testcontainers tests

How you can drastically reduce the runtime for your Testcontainers tests

This is the second part of a two part series about Testcontainers. In this part I will among other things show you some tricks to get your Testcontainers start much faster. Intro In the previous blog post, Getting Started with Testcontainers, I described what the Testcontainers framework is and how to get started using it in your project. After using Testcontainers for a long time I learned that there are things that need to be adjusted to make it even better and faster.

Getting started with Testcontainers

What is Testcontainers and why should I use it?

This is the first part of a two-part series about Testcontainers. In this first part I will explain what it is, what problems it tries to solve, how it works and finally how you can use it in your own projects. In the second part we will see if we can reduce startup time for our Testcontainers. Introduction Earlier this spring I held a skills meeting for my colleagues that was about JUnit 5 and Testcontainers.

JVM in a Container

How different Java versions behave in a container

How different Java versions behave in a container

“Eclipse” is damaged and can’t be opened

Yesterday I downloaded the latest Eclipse named Kepler to my Mac. I unzipped the package as usual and tried to launch it by clicking on the Eclipse file. I received the following error message: Open up a shell Cd yourself into the eclipse directory. Check the attributes of the directory $ xattr Remove the ‘’ attribute. $ xattr -d com.

Installera Java utvecklingsmiljö i Ubuntu, del 2

Då var det dags för nästa del av min installation av utvecklingsmiljön i Ubuntu 9.04. Subversion och Java JDK är avklarat. Subversion Java JDK Eclipse Maven Ant Groovy och Grails Firefox Plugins och några fler… Eclipse **Installera Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede ** Gå till Eclipse nedladdningssida och ladda ner det paket du vill använda. Packa upp paketet $ tar zxvf downloads/eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz Byt namn och flytta det till /opt (skapa opt om den inte finns) $ sudo mkdir /opt $ mv eclipse eclipse-3.

Installera Java utvecklingsmiljö i Ubuntu

Dags att sätta upp utvecklingsmiljön i min nyinstallerade Ubuntu 9.04. Jag kommer att installera följande programvaror: Subversion Java JDK Eclipse Maven Ant Groovy och Grails Firefox Plugins och några fler… 😉 Subversion Installera SVN CLI Öppna ett terminalfönster (shell) och kör följande kommando: $ sudo apt-get install subversion Kontrollera att allt gick bra. $ svn --version svn, version 1.5.4 (r33841) compiled Feb 23 2009, 20:42:53 Copyright (C) 2000-2008 CollabNet.

Installing Dbvisualizer on Ubuntu

Since I changed from Windos to Linux Ubuntu I don’t have all of my dev tools installed. One of those tools is the great universal database tool called DbVis from Minq. Minq doesn’t deliver DbVis as synapt package so I had to find a alternative and since I’m not a Linux blackbelt I had to do some googling. I found this blog and this and this that gave me a hint of what to do.