Merikan Blog

My personal braindump

The blog software is now updated

I have updated this blog to the latest and greatest version (2.8.4a). We where running WordPress on version 2.7.1 and there was some security issues with that version so it feels good that the upgrade is done. If you encounter any problems just send an e-mail. /Peter

Problem with SyntaxHighlighter Evolved in WordPress MU 2.7.1

I installed SyntaxHighlighter Evolved a couple of days ago but I wasn’t sure how to use, I couldn’t get it to work. After a while I saw the following error message “Warning: htmlspecialchars_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string”. After a quick Googling for that phrase I found this post that led me to the the following bug report with the solution. The line in error is line 104 in wp-includes/compat.

WordPress is updated to the latest version

Hi folks I have updated this blog server to the latest version (wordpress mu 2.7.1). It all went well and this time I decided to use the wordpress built in updater. First I did a full backup of all folders and the wordpress database (just in case ;-)). Then all I had to do was to press the update button. Done!!! I’m impressed, kudos to all you wordpress developers. I also updated all plugins that was installed except for the LightBox 2 plugin.

Här händer det grejer……

Hallo allihopa, Peter is back 😉 Jag har uppdaterat bloggen till WordPress MU version 2.7, hoppas allt skall fungara ok. Jag har inte hittat några fel än så länge. Passade även på att lägga till lite teman, iNove, Atahualpa och Gear. När jag ändå var igång mig så installerade jag Farms 100 big ones theme pack , 100 goa teman på ett bräde. Så nu finns det att välja på.

Lightbox2, ny plugin installerad på bloggen.

Jag har installerat en ny plugin på bloggen och det är LightBox 2. Denna pluginen är till för bildhanteringen och använder sig av (surprise!) LightBox2. Det enda man behöver göra är att lägga på rel="lightbox" alternativt rel="lightbox[ett-set]" om du har flera bilder. Läs mer på hemsidan för denna plugin. Nedan ser ni ett exempel.

Bloggen uppdaterad

Följande har hänt: Bloggen är uppdaterad till WordPress MU version 2.6.2. Nya plugins installerade. StatPress Reloaded för att få statistik om bloggen. Alex 😉 WordPress Video Plugin för att kunna bädda in videos från till exempel Youtube

Time to upgrade WordPress MU 1.2.5

A few days ago I upgraded my WordPress MU installation. It all went smoothly with no problems at all. Thank you guys at WordPress for doing such a great software. I’m hosting my site at Lunarpages and since it is a shared server you can’t use ssh, so I had to use FTP and cPanel when upgrading. Ok, this is how I upgraded wpmu from 1.2.5 to 1.3. I know that this step isn’t always my first choice but I thought that I would try it anyway, RTFM.

Installing WordPress MU on Lunarpages

I wanted to install a blogging software that everyone in the family could use. Lunarpages has the Fantastico package that contains the WordPress software. Unfortunately this is the single -user version of WordPress and I wanted each and every family member to have their own blog e.g. This how I did it. Create a subdomain named blogs ( Create database wpmu Create db user wpmu and add the user to the database Download the wpmu tar file and extract it on the desktop Now upload the exploded tar file to the root directory of the newly created subdomain named blogs (/www/blogs/) Run the WordPress MU installation script by accessing http://blogs.